Did you know that about 20% of American adults have some missing teeth? One of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to replace them is to get dentures. At Connected Smile Solutions, we offer dentures and partials to restore your smile and your confidence.

What are Dentures?

Dentures are removable devices used to replace missing teeth. They’re convenient for those who are unable or unwilling to have dental implants drilled into their jawbones. Today’s dentures are made to resemble your natural teeth so you can have a real-looking smile. Below are some of the benefits of dentures:

Complete Dentures

These are your traditional complete full dentures designed to replace all of your teeth. Once your existing teeth have been removed, you will have a complete arch of artificial ones to replace the ones that are missing. Full dentures can restore your ability to eat and speak properly.

Partial Dentures

If you still have some natural teeth left in your mouth, partial dentures are a great option for you. Instead of an entire arch of artificial teeth, partials have a metal piece attached to a pink base. These pieces are designed to hold and keep the denture in your mouth. Partials are excellent for preventing the remaining teeth from shifting.

Are You Interested in Dentures and Partials in Atlanta, GA?

When you need to replace your teeth, we have the solution for you here at Connected Smile Solutions. Dentures and partials are a wonderful way to restore your smile and give you more confidence in your appearance. Give us a call if you’re ready to schedule your appointment with us today!